Information routinely accessed under freedom of information requests

The IAA must publish information about documents to which the IAA routinely gives access in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, except in certain cases. This is a requirement under the Information Publication Scheme.

Currently, the IAA does not routinely give access to any kinds of information that must be published under this requirement.

Disclosure log

Link to FOI Disclosure Log page

The IAA must also publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in the disclosure log has been released by the IAA under the FOI Act and is available for public access. The disclosure log must be updated within 10 working days of information being released under an FOI request.

A link is provided in the disclosure log if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website. Information that is not available on a website may be obtained by writing to the IAA or by sending an email to [email protected].

A charge may be imposed to reimburse the IAA for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. You will be notified if any charge is payable and you will be required to pay the charge before the information is provided.

Information attached to, or referred to, in the IAA's disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value.

IAA Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

  • This disclosure log contains details of information released under FOI requests that must be published under section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Information is published in this log within 10 working days of the release of the information under an FOI request.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI reference number Date of access FOI request Information published in the disclosure log Other information
FOI2016/11 17/06/2016

Any internal policies, templates, guidelines, directions and other support materials relating to decisions made by Reviewers regarding:

  • The admission or rejection of ‘new information’ within the meaning of s473DC of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth).
  • Use of country information provided by the Department of Home Affairs using the CISNET function.
  • Training Presentation – The Review Framework;
  • Induction Handout – The Review Process;
  • Training Presentation – Conducting Reviews: New Information; and
  • Case Management System – Standard Operating Procedures – IAA Operation v.3.0, Glossary, pp 16-17.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2017/00607 16/11/2017 The table of contents for the procedural law guide or similar that provides legal guidance to IAA Reviewers on the exercise of their powers under migration legislation.

The table of contents of the IAA Procedural Law Guide.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2020/01851 3/07/2020 Procedural manuals/guides issued by the IAA and used by reviewers in conducting reviews under part 7AA of the Migration Act 1958 excluding draft and superseded versions. Parts of the IAA Standard Operating Procedures relating to liaison, new information, reviewer support, decision and notification and other miscellaneous case processes.

Partial access was provided with some information removed under sections 47E and 47G of the FOI Act and irrelevant information deleted or redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2020/01848 17/07/2020 Access to statistics and data on the decision-making patterns of individual decision makers from 1 January 2015 to 18 May 2020.
  • Statistics relating to review decisions finalised from 1 January 2015 to 18 May 2020.
  • Report on the date decision makers commenced working for the IAA between 1 January 2015 to 18 May 2020.
  • Report on publicly available decisions made between 1 January 2015 and 18 May 2020.

Partial access was provided. Some information was found to be exempt under sections 47E and 47F of the FOI Act. Irrelevant information was deleted or redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2020/01935 31/08/2020 Email notification alerting IAA reviewers to the publication of the DFAT Pakistan Country Report, published on 20/02/2019. One email advising reviewers of the publication of the 20/02/2019 DFAT Pakistan Country Information Report.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2020/02010 3/11/2020 Email notification alerting IAA reviewers to the publication of the DFAT Iran Country Report, published 7/06/2018. One email advising reviewers of the publication of the 7/06/2018 DFAT Iran Country Information Report.

Partial access was provided with some irrelevant information redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2021/02344 9/11/2021 Email notification alerting IAA reviewers to the publication of the DFAT Myanmar Country Report, published 18/04/2019. One email advising reviewers of the publication of the 18/04/2019 DFAT Myanmar Country Information Report.

Full access provided.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2021/02377 23/12/2021 Statistics relating to the number of decisions remitted to the IAA by the Federal Circuit and Family Court, Federal Court and High Court of Australia between 2015 and 29 November 2021. 
  • Statistics relating to decisions remitted by the courts to the IAA between 2015 to 29 November 2021, by source country, status, and outcome of the IAA review.
  • Timeframes for IAA decisions following remittal by a court for each year between 2015 and 29 November 2021. 

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2022/02495 13/04/2022 As at 29 March 2022, the number of cases remitted and affirmed by the IAA since 15 August 2021 for persons of Afghan nationality and for Hazara persons of Afghan nationality. Number of Afghanistan IAA matters remitted and affirmed between 15 August 2021 and 29 March 2022.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2022/02529 16/06/2022
  • Access to statistics and data on cases finalised between 1 January 2015 to 17 May 2022. Including the following:
  1. Names of decision makers and employment dates;
  2. Information received and considered;
  3. Representation status;
  4. Invitation status (including method of response);
  5. Review outcome by nationality and decision maker;
  6. Time taken to finalise.
  • Statistics relating to review decisions finalised from 1 January 2015 to 17 May 2022.
  • De-identified report on the date decision makers commenced and ceased working for the IAA between 1 January 2015 to 17 May 2022.
  • The average time taken to finalise review decisions between 1 January 2015 and 17 May 2022.

Partial access was provided with some information exempted under section 47E of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2022/02530 16/06/2022

From 1 January 2015 to 17 May 2022:

  • Directives, policies, guidelines, training material, communications provided by the Minister of Home Affairs or the Department of Home Affairs to the IAA, or provided by the IAA to individual IAA reviewers, regarding merits review of fast track applications.
  • Documents provided to the Department of Home Affairs or Minister of Home Affairs regarding the operation and performance of the IAA.
  • Key performance indicators that the Department of Home Affairs provided to the IAA, or that the IAA has set for reviewers with respect to conducting merits review of fast track applications.
  • Prior versions of IAA Practice Direction 1.
  • Parts of the IAA Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Parts of various induction training documents.
  • Instrument of Authorisation relating to persons in immigration detention.
  • Parts of Reviewer Performance Agreement.
  • Letter from AAT President concerning IAA Practice Direction.
  • Various IAA caseload statistics.

Partial access was provided with some information removed under sections 47E and 47G of the FOI Act and irrelevant information deleted or redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2023/02639 16/03/2023

Concerning IAA Iran decisions:

  • Statistics on the number of reviews, median timeframes for decision and decision outcomes undertaken by an IAA reviewer. 
  • Statistics on the IAA remit/affirm rates and total number of finalised reviews over the period 2017-2023 by calendar year.
  • Copies of all remit/affirm decisions made by an IAA reviewer.

Concerning IAA Iran decisions:

  • Number of reviews completed by an IAA reviewer including the number of remit or affirm decisions.
  • IAA remit and affirm rates and total number of reviews finalised over the period 2017-2023 by calendar year.

Partial access was provided with some information refused under sections 47E and 47F of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2023/02807 24/10/2023

Policies, instructions, notifications or guidance available to reviewers between 10/10/2017 and 5/07/2018 issued by or to the IAA in relation to the use of DFAT Country Information Reports, including where Country Information Reports have been updated post-referral from the Secretary of the Department to the IAA.

Notification or correspondence sent to IAA reviewers regarding the publication of the DFAT Country Information Report on Iran in June 2018.

Two emails concerning the publication of the 7/06/2018 DFAT Iran Country Information Report.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]

FOI2024/02984 20/06/2024
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 1 May 2024 to 10 May 2024 (inclusive);
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 11 May 2024 to 19 May 2024 (inclusive);
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 20 May 2024 to 1 June 2024 (inclusive);
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 2 June 2024 to 10 June 2024 (inclusive);
Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 11 June 2024 to 19 June 2024 (inclusive).
IAA case load summary of new referrals (including initial referrals from the Department of Home Affairs and Court remitted referrals) between the dates of 01 May 2024 to 10 May 2024, 11 May to 19 May 2024, 20 May 2024 to 1 June 2024, 2 June 2024 to 10 June 2024 and 11 June 2024 to 19 June 2024

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]
FOI2024/02985 25/06/2024

The email notification alerting IAA reviewers to the publication of the DFAT Country Information Report Myanmar, published on 10 January 2017.

One email advising reviewers of the publication of the  publication of the DFAT Country Information Report Myanmar, published on 10 January 2017.

Partial access was provided with some information exempted under section 47E of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]
FOI2024/02984 25/06/2024
  • Any internal announcements/correspondence circulated within the Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA) referring to conduct of active or new referrals to the IAA in light of the passing of the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill which will operate to replace the IAA;
  • Any internal announcements/correspondence circulated within the IAA referring to the cessation or continuation of the IAA’s functioning;
  • Any internal correspondence to IAA Reviewers regarding the conduct of active matters, or new referrals to the IAA after 28 May 2024
Six emails referring to the cessation or continuation of the IAA’s functioning in light of the passing of the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill which will operate to replace the IAA.

Partial access was provided. Some information was found to be exempt under section 47F of the FOI Act. Irrelevant information was deleted or redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]
FOI2024/02300 18/07/2024
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 11 June 2024 to 19 June 2024 (inclusive);
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 20 June 2024 to 30 June 2024 (inclusive);
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 1 July 2024 to 10 July 2024 (inclusive);
  • Number of new referrals (both initial referrals from the Department and/or on remittal from the courts) to the IAA in the period 11 July 2024 to 18 July 2024 (inclusive);
IAA case load summary of new referrals (including initial referrals from the Department of Home Affairs and Court remitted referrals) between the dates of 11 June 2024 to 19 June 2024, 20 June 2024 to 30 June 2024, 1 July 2024 to 10 July 2024, 11 July 2024 to 18 July 2024.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at [email protected]